Featured Speakers

Benefits of Winning EDGE

Winning EDGE saves you time helping you find just the right speaker for your event or a spokesperson for your organization.

We make thoughtful recommendations based on our knowledge of our speakers, your goals for your event, and your budget parameters.  Our speakers accomodate a broad range of budgets.

Interested in a specific speaker whose name does not appear on our website?  NO problem. Through our strategic alliances with bureaus and agencies, Winning EDGE has access to most top level speakers, entertainers, and celebrities worldwide.

Welcome to Winning EDGE!

Winning EDGE represents a diverse group of extraordinarly talented individuals.

We promote them for personal appearances, as keynote speakers, corporate spokespersons and more.

Many associations, corporations, universities, non-profits and community organizations find Winning EDGE a great resource to secure dynamic talent to enhance their events and promote their brand. We work closely with meeting planners to assure the success of every event.

Through our strategic alliances with bureaus and agencies, Winning EDGE has access to numerous top level speakers, entertainers, and celebrities worldwide.  We are your one stop source to secure the right speaker for your next event or spokesperson to promote your organization.

Winning EDGE assists with the execution of publicity campaigns to advance the media exposure of our clients.  We are committed to building long-term relationships with our clients and becoming your trusted advisor for securing the best fit for exceptional talent for your organization.

We welcome the opportunity to work with you.  Call us today to learn more!

